c/o MGI Modzelewski

Al. Jerozolimskie 136
02-305 Warsaw
Eurocentrum Alfa
Tel.: +48 22 875 30 55
Mail: warszawa@.vonzanthier.com

In addition to Berlin and Poznan VON ZANTHIER & DACHOWSKI is also present in Warsaw through our Partner MGI Modzelewski (Accounting).

MGI Modzelewski and VON ZANTHIER & DACHOWSKI pay greatest attention to in-depth knowledge of Polish and international tax, financial & accounting law, based on many years of experience gained in international consulting, applying the highest standards appropriate for this kind of advisory. The combination of knowledge of economic issues and processes with legal know how plays an important role in all days’ activities. MGI Modzelewski's associates (employees) have economic or legal education.
Thanks to close cooperation with MGI Modzelewski, VON ZANTHIER & DACHOWSKI is offering not only legal and tax advisory in Poland, but also complex accounting support, all as "from a single source".
Accounting services are provided in Polish, German and English.
We invite you to get to know the MGI Modzelewski team and MGI Worldwide Network, their specialization and references, at the following address: www.modzelewski.tax 


