Production and industry Academy for Production. Law | Taxes | Accounting - another webinar is behind us
On 12 December 2024, another webinar was held as part of the series 'Academy for Production. Law | Taxes | Accounting'. This time, we focused on the changes in tax legislation for 2025 and their impact on the manufacturing industry.
During the webinar, we discussed, among other things, the CIT minimum tax, the introduction of JPK-CIT and changes to property tax. We also talked about e-delivery.
Thank you all for your participation and active engagement! Your questions and comments make each meeting even more valuable.
We would like to remind you that the "Academy for Production" series takes place under the auspices of the Special Economic Zone for Small Business in Kamienna Góra and t he Polish-German Economic Circle in Poznań.
The next webinar is coming up in January - details and a link to register can be found here: Academy for Production . See you there!