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Internal events Sweet Women's Day in Our Law Firm!

It was a truly special Women's Day celebration in our Law Firm! The gentlemen of our team met the challenge and organized an extraordinary culinary contest for the ladies – "Master Chefin."

The challenge? Our male colleagues baked a variety of cakes and submitted them to a demanding jury – our wonderful female colleagues! The task wasn’t easy because it was among others about guessing the secret ingredient and identifying which colleague had prepared it.

The entire event was hosted by the three most famous culinary critics in Poland – a lady known for visiting various eateries, a gentleman with a French accent, and a well-known traveler with exquisite vocabulary!

There was no shortage of jokes and surprises, and the biggest one turned out to be a real sand cake , which had everyone laughing to tears — and almost ended up on our plates!

At the end of this wonderful feast, all the ladies received beautiful bouquets of tulips.

The prize for the best-rated cake – the legendary 3bit (a.k.a. Słodziak) – was awarded to Krzysztof Łakomski!

A huge thank you to all the gentlemen for the time spent in the kitchen, the heart and effort put into creating these sweet masterpieces, and the fantastic organization of the whole event!

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