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The Energy Table of the German-Polish Wind Energy Club (GPWEC)

The Energy Table of the German-Polish Wind Energy Club (GPWEC) was held in Poznań on the 6th of March 2019 in Poznań. The moderator and co-organizer of the meeting was the attorney at law Henning von Zanthier. There were two lectures, one on the subject of "Auction in Poland" and the second on "Experiences after winning the auction". This event was a good opportunity to update the news and exchange views during the discussion.

Meeting of members of the DWK at the Ławica airport in Poznań

On the 26th of February 2019 a meeting of members of the DWK took place at the Ławica airport in Poznań. The meeting was organized together with the Capital Club of Wielkopolska and attracted a large group of members of both organizations. The law office VON ZANTHIER & SCHULZ as a member of DWK took part in the event as well and it was represented by the attorneys at law Karolina Barałkiewicz-Sokal and Henning von Zanthier. The organizers showed numerous inaccessible attractions for the average visitor to the airport and the secrets of the airport's work. There was also a conference on threats from IT and cyber security.

We celebrate the launch of our new website

User-friendliness was the number one priority during development. The design has also been completely redesigned - visitors will quickly and easily find information on services in the areas of taxes, auditing and law.

The German and Polish pages are also available now.

We have made it again - Top Tax Office 2017

VON ZANTHIER & SCHULZ has once again been voted to be one of the top tax offices in Germany. This is the result of the survey conducted by the data company Statista for the news magazine Focus. The listed offices are honored as "Top Steuerkanzlei 2017".

A review of the 39th meeting of tax lawyers in Dresden

We want to look back on two eventful days.Around 1,500 participants from various fields have found together according the motto "Opportunities and risks of digitalization".In addition to this focus Mr Dachowski and Mr Schulz hold an informative presentation concerning the "Introduction to the Polish corporate and tax law".Thank you for your participation!

39th German Meeting of Tax Lawyers [39. Deutscher Steuerberatertag]

On the occation of the 39th German Meeting of Tax Lawyers in Dresden, we are proud to announce that Mr. Lukasz Dachowski and Mr. Rüdiger Schulz were won as speakers in this year.
The event takes place from October 9th-11th, 2016.
Subject of the presentation will be the introduction into the Polish corporate and tax law.
Please find further information about the program on the website of the German Meeting of Tax Lawyers [Steuerberatertag].

Our attorney at law, Mrs. Stawska-Höbel, won for our client in the proceedings before the national court in Berlin after the settlement of a preliminary ruling delivered by the Court of Justice of the European Union (CJEU)

As previously reported on the website, our attorney at law, Mrs. Stawska-Höbel, representing the defendant, filed an opinion in a preliminary proceedings initiated by the Amtsgericht Wedding (District Court Wedding) before the Court of Justice of the EU. The substantial question of this matter was the issue of what rights the defendant may assert, if a European payment order has not been validly served in accordance with Regulation (EC) No 1896/2006 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 12 December 2006 and still the court has declared the order as enforceable. The CJEU delivered its judgement in the preliminary proceedings on September 4, 2014. On this basis the Amtsgericht Wedding adopted a ruling on May 30, 2016 in which the enforceability of the European payment order has been deemed to be invalid. As part of that statement, the Amtsgericht Wedding stated that the question of remedies is unclear. So far we have been successful in this process. If the opposite side appeals, the Amtsgericht Wedding has to determine whether and what remedies shall be deemed admissible.

Meeting of the German-Polish Association for Health and Social Policy, Brandenburg, May 7th, 2016

During the meeting of the German-Polish Association for Health and Social Policy on May 7th, 2016 in Brandenburg, Mr. Henning von Zanthier had the opportunity to participate at the discussion on the German-Polish cooperation in the healthcare industry. The meeting was also attended by German Foreign Minister Dr. Frank-Walter Steinmeier, the Mayor of Poznań Mr. Jacek Jaśkowiak and a group of experts. Many important issues have been raised during the discussion, such as German-Polish relations in general, the faltering of the agreement on the cross-border cooperation in emergency care, the medical care in both countries, pilot projects in the board region and many more. Dr. Steinmeier welcomed the suggestions with interest and goodwill.

Brochure - The acquisition of a company in insolvency in the German business practice

In collaboration with the Department of Trade and Investment of the Polish Embassy in Berlin, our  law firm  published a brochure on "The acquisition of a company in insolvency in the German business practice".

The brochure presents the practical aspects of acquiring companies in insolvency, insolvency proceedings under the provisions of the German Insolvency Act, as well as the specific risks and opportunities of acquisition of a insolvent company.

The brochure (in Polish) can be viewed on the website of the Department of Trade and Investment Promotion of the Polish Embassy at the following link.

Seminar on construction law, Cologne, February 18th, 2016

On February 18th, 2016 the Department of Trade and Investment of the Consulate General of the Republic of Poland in cooperation with the law firm VON ZANTHIER & SCHULZ is organizing a seminar on construction law.

This event is addressed primarily to construction companies providing their services in Germany. Programme and registration form

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