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Acting as an attorney in the context of the Polish Register of Beneficial Owners (CRBR in Poland)

We encourage you to read the press article published in Rzeczpospolita on 16.01.2020 by Dr. Jan Muszyński from our Legal Team, in which he questions the official interpretation of the Polish Ministry of Finance, according to which the notification to the CRBR-Register in Poland shall only be made by the Management Board of the affected companies. In opinion of Dr. Muszyński, such interpretation is not justified either in the 4th AML EU Directive or in the provisions of the Polish law. Congratulations for courage to present publicly a legal opinion different from the official government's statements. We will ask the Polish Ministry of Finance for clarification of this matter to make possibly the life of thousands of Polish companies just a little bit easier.

Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year

Our Christmas donation for this year

As well as last year instead of Christmas cards for partners and clients, we donated for a good cause: This year our Berlin office donates 1000 € to the Polki w Berlinie e.V. (, which supports integration and helps to broaden the knowledge of Polish women in Berlin.

Christmas party VON ZANTHIER & SCHULZ

The Law firm VON ZANTHIER & SCHULZ celebrated its Christmas party on the 6th of December, this time in Poland. The Poznan Christmas Market was visited and in the afternoon all the staff went to the Folwark Wąsowo, where they had a lot of fun playing integration games and enjoying regional specialities. As always, it was a nice time full of Christmas atmosphere.

Conference and Annual General Meeting of the German-Polish Wind Energy Club

On the 21st of November 2019 Karolina Barałkiewicz- Sokal and Henning von Zanthier from VON ZANTHIER & SCHULZ will attend the Conference and Annual General Meeting of the German-Polish Wind Energy Club (GPWEC) in Poznań. The conference offers lectures about climate policy, technical aspects of wind farm projects and analysis of the Polish wind energy market.

Karolina Barałkiewicz-Sokal will perform at the event about „Formal requirements for successful participation in the auction 2019“.

This meeting will be a good opportunity to update the news and exchange views during the discussion.


9th Autumn Conference of the Bucerius Center on the Legal Profession

On 14th November 2019 Henning von Zanthier attended the

9th Autumn Conference

of the Bucerius Center on the Legal Profession in Hamburg with the topic "Step out of your comfort zone - Managed Legal Services are on the rise". The conference offers insights into the latest developments in the digital legal market and a unique platform for exchanging ideas with all major players.

Legal-Tech Strategy in Berlin

On the 12th of November 2019 the attorney-at-law Lukasz Dachowski from VON ZANTHIER & SCHULZ in Poznan attended the Legal Tech DIRO conference, which was about making existing processes more efficient and to develop new, digital and scalable legal business models. The objective is to develop practical and applicable business models, taking Legal Tech into consideration, and then to be able to implement these with the necessary technical and organizational measures in a day-to-day practice.

Constitutional Week in Poznań

We know that civic education is very important, which is why Dr Jan Muszyński took part in the Constitutional Week organized by the Association named after Professor Zbigniew Hołda and conducted workshops for students of the 19th Technical Secondary School in Poznań on the limits of freedom of speech and counteracting the speech of hate. The topic turned out to be extremely interesting and important for the students, and the discussion enriched both sides!

Ai Weiwei at the initiative of our law firm in discussion at VBKI

In the summer, the Chinese star artist Ai Weiwei, who has been living in exile in Berlin since 2015, had announced in public that he wanted to leave Germany. Reason: Germany is not an open society. There is hardly any room for open debates, no respect for dissenting voices. German culture is so strong that it does not really accept other ideas and arguments. On 13th October 2019, Henning von Zanthier moderated the discussion between Ai Weiwei and the Chinese poet Yang Lian about the influence of art and culture on politics and society at the oldest German business blub, VBKI, which got to the bottom of this assertion. Ai Weiwei said after the discussion: "This was the most meaningful discussion, I ever had."

SIBB Project Lookout in Wrocław

From the 16th to the 19th of October 2019 the attorneys-at-law Justyna Janik and Krzysztof Łakomski from VON ZANTHIER & SCHULZ attended the 4th LookOut Business Delegation and the third edition of „Made in Wrocław“. It was the largest meeting of business in Wroclaw in the year. During the stay, our colleagues met many interesting people who realize innovative projects in the IT industry, including those related to virtual reality (VR). It was a great opportunity to talk to each other and understand their business. We believe that the established contacts will turn into long-term cooperation.

Photo source: SIBB e.V.

Law firm in top form

The 42nd German Tax Advisors' Day in Berlin will take place from the 20th to the 22nd of October 2019 . On the 20th of October, Mr. Łukasz Dachowski and Mr. Rüdiger Schulz will present a lecture "An international adviser: investing in Poland and avoiding withholding taxes". We wish you a successful event.

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