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16th anniversary of the DWK in Poznań and the 26th anniversary of the WKK – Summer Picnic

A ceremonial celebration of the sixteenth anniversary of the founding of the Association Polsko-Niemieckie Koło Gospodarcze w Poznaniu (Polish-German Economic Circle in Poznań) and the 26th anniversary of the existence of the Wielkopolski Klub Kapitalu (Great-Poland Capital Club) took place on the 07th of June 2019 at the NOVOTEL Poznań Malta hotel. The meeting brought together eminent guests from the world of politics and business. VON ZANTHIER & SCHULZ had its own representative, attorney-at-law Karolina Barałkiewicz-Sokal. During this meeting, the "Wielkopolska Pillars of Business 2019" was also presented. For many, it was a great opportunity to establish new business contacts as well as the opportunity to spend this evening in good company.

Tour de Wind 2019

The fourth edition of the cult Tour de Wind bicycle rally organized by windhunter academy took place on the 30th of May 2019 in Koszalin.

The event was attended by specialists working in the wind energy sector: owners, wind farm operators, health and safety specialists, people related to the services and installation of wind turbines.

VON ZANTHIER & SCHULZ also had its own representative. Attorney-at-law Karolina Barałkiewicz-Sokal, who is dealing with the subject of wind energy in her work, "cycled with the wind" a distance of around 50 km.

After a sports effort, participants summed up the day during an evening meeting in a good company.

Meeting of Members and Friends of DWK in the company MERAZET S.A.

The meeting of members and friends of DWK in MERAZET S.A. in Poznan took place on the 28th of May 2019 with the participation of Henning von Zanthier from VON ZANTHIER & SCHULZ. Merazet S.A. has been operating on the market of control and measurement equipment since 1952. It is an authorized partner and distributor of the highest quality equipment in many countries and foreign producers. In the Merazet S.A. offer there are over 6,000 products and services in the field of laboratory equipment, equipment for construction and surveying, industrial automation and electrical control and measurement equipment. The meeting began with a welcome of the guests by the CEO of the company MERAZET S.A. Mr. Mariusz Raczak. Then, a commercial and marketing lecture about the company, its creation and its activities on the Polish market was heard .After the presentation, it was possible to see the laboratories and some calibration and measuring devices. This event was again a good opportunity to update the news and exchange views during the discussion.

The seminar of the IDW Academy in Düsseldorf

The seminar of the IDW Academy entitled “The Risk-Oriented Examination of the Internal Control System and the IT Systems in SMEs: Module I took place on the 13th and 14th of May 2019 in Düsseldorf. Participants from VON ZANTHIER&SCHULZ were Lutz Kendzierski, Krzysztof Rzeznik and Rüdiger Schulz. The seminar was divided into two parts: Part 1: Structures, Processes and IT in Enterprises - "IT system audit in the context of the statutory audit" Part 2: Characteristics of the IT system and process testing - examples of tasks and case studies for system and process testing Now it is time to put the newly acquired knowledge into practice. Good luck!


The DIRO spring conference took place from the 9th to 10th May in Aachen. Two attorneys- at- law from VON ZANTHIER & SCHULZ Karolina Barałkiewicz-Sokal and Justyna Janik attended the event. The Annual General Meeting of DIRO AG shareholders, in which was given an overview of the current and planned activities, was held by the Executive Board. Three interesting workshops on various topics related to law firm management were available to the participants. The new law firms admitted to the DIRO were also presented. The program also included a visit to the Aachen Cathedral, located in the middle of the Old Town, built at the end of the 8th century during the reign of Charles the Great, which has been a UNESCO World Cultural Heritage since 1978. As always, the event was a great opportunity to exchange experience and professional knowledge.

Young Arts and natural resources from Berlin

This year the project Schlesische27 invites Mr. Schulz to the finissage. Teenagers from all over the world have set out to dig stories and traces of everyday life on the pile of rubble.

Meeting in the "MALTA" Bilingual Kindergarten in Poznań

As part of the cooperation between member firms of the Polish-German Economic Circle in Poznań (DWK) attorney-at-law Karolina Barałkiewicz-Sokal from VON ZANTHIER & SCHULZ met with children from the "MALTA" Bilingual Kindergarten ( as part of the project "We are getting to know the professions". The children learned about the daily work of a lawyer, the professions of judge, prosecutor, legal adviser, attorney and notary. The big attractions were coloring books related to the profession of a lawyer and of course trying on a toga - that is, "a wizard's outfit”. The meeting was very interesting for both sides. Thank you very much for the invitation!

Seminars on the fundamentals of Polish tax law for the German Financial Administration

The European University Viadrina in Frankfurt/Oder organizes on Prof. Dr. Stephan Kudert’s initiative in association with the Brandenburg Ministry of Finance in Potsdam a series of lectures on the fundamentals of Polish tax law for the German Financial Administration. The event takes place from 15.04. until 17.04.2019. in the training center in Königs Wusterhausen. The tax adviser Lukasz Dachowski from VON ZANTHIER & SCHULZ in Poznań will present the topic "Taxation procedure VAT with an external audit" and Prof. Dr. Wojciech Stiller from VON ZANTHIER & SCHULZ in Berlin will talk about the VAT tax on the 17th of April 2019.

The meeting of DWK Members at H.CEGIELSKI - POZNAŃ S.A.

The next meeting of DWK Members will take place on Tuesday, the 11th of April 2019 at 17.30 at H.CEGIELSKI - POZNAŃ S.A. on the 28th of June 1956 street No. 223/229 in Poznań. First there will be a lecture taken by a representative of the factory and later all participants will have the opportunity to know the latest solutions from the following sectors: energy, rail transport, gas and petrochemistry, special production and broadly understood environmental engineering. The biggest attraction will be the possibility to visit three production halls: metal processing, production of cranes, blowers and processing of elements over 100 tons. This event will be as usual a good opportunity to update the news and exchange views during the discussion.

GO North & East Seminar - Sweden, Poland and Ukraine in Zeuthen

The GO Seminar will be held at the Seehotel Zeuthen on the 15th  and the 16th of May 2019, dealing with wind energy abroad, this time in north-eastern European countries. The event will be attended by speakers who will present the latest information on the potential, legal and tax framework conditions in the field of wind energy and share practical experience.

The law firm VON ZANTHIER & SCHULZ will take an active part in this event. The attorney at law Karolina Barałkiewicz-Sokal will give a lecture on "Current framework conditions in Poland - introduction and review". Please find further information about the program on the website.

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