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"Renewable Energy in Poland" – Seminar in Hamburg

A seminar on renewable energy in Poland will take place on the 12th June 2012 under the auspices of the Consul General of the Republic of Poland in Hamburg. Mrs. Magdalena Stawska-Höbel, a counselor from von Zanthier und Schulz, will give a lecture on renewable energy in Poland and will answer all questions related to the planned amendment of the Polish law with regard to this topic.

DIRO Conference in Riga

From 31st May 2012 to 1st June 2012 an annual assembly of DIRO members (an organization of lawyers from the whole Europe) took place. Mrs. Magdalena Stawska-Höbel took part in bankruptcy law workshops, whereas Mrs. Karolina Barałkiewicz-Sokal took part in labor law workshops. 

The topic of this year’s Conference was in particular a discussion on ‘Pros and cons for the European sales law’. 

Publications "Telemedizin"

Mr. Henning von Zanthier and Mrs. Aleksandra Dziurzyńska are co-authors of a specialist book entitled ‘Telemedicine’, published by Oldenbourg Verlag. They are co-authors of the Chapter ‘Radiology and Teleradiology - common grounds and potential of the cross-border concept between Poland and Germany’, which appeared in the third edition of HealthCapitel Yearbook Berlin-Brandenburg 2011/2012 (published by H. Kunze, S. Mutze).

Moreover, both lawyers are co-authors of the article: ‘Health with no limits. The Europeanization process of national economies in the field of public health on the example of German-Polish cooperation’, which appeared in a German-Polish Economy Yearbook 2011/2012.  

Mr. Henning von Zanthier and Mr. Mariusz Lipa are also co-authors of the book on German Labor Law entitled ‘Employment of Polish citizens in Germany’ (the book appeared in Polish with the title: ‘Zatrudnienie Polaków w Niemczech’), published by the Trade and Investment Promotion Section of the Embassy of the Republic of Poland.

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