All articles by Wojciech Paryś
Production and industry
Academy for Production. Law | Taxes | Accounting - January meeting is behind us
Year-end closing is a crucial moment for every manufacturing company, requiring careful preparation and a solid understanding of applicable regulations. In the January webinar of the "Academy for Production," we examined this process from the perspective of an auditor, highlighting key steps and potential pitfalls.
Production and industry
Academy for Production. Law | Taxes | Accounting - another webinar is behind us
In a rapidly changing legal and tax environment, it is crucial to keep track of upcoming changes and their impact on business. As part of the Academy for Production, we met to discuss the latest regulations coming into force in 2025 and their consequences for the manufacturing sector.
Investment and commercial law
On November 21, 2024, the second webinar in our series "Academy for Production. Law | Taxes | Accounting" took place. During the meeting, we discussed the topic "Property Tax in the Manufacturing Industry. New Rules from 2025. What Should You Know?"
Am 21. November 2024 fand das zweite Webinar im Rahmen unserer Reihe „Akademie für die Produktion. Recht | Steuern | Buchhaltung“ statt. Während des Treffens haben wir das Thema „Grundsteuer in der Produktionsbranche. Neue Regelungen ab 2025. Was ist zu beachten?“ besprochen.
Investment and commercial law
Is "Safe Harbour" Really a Safe Haven?
Shareholders often face the choice of how to finance their company. Often, granting a loan seems like the simplest solution. However, in recent years, one may wonder whether this is actually optimal. In this article, we will briefly discuss two internal financing methods for a company. I will compare contributions and loans, focusing on limited liability companies (LLC).
Investment and commercial law
Beware of Statute of Limitations – Invoices from 2022 May Expire by the End of December 2024
By the end of 2024, invoices from 2022 may expire – learn how to prevent limitation periods and recover your money effectively. In this article, we explain what the statute of limitations means, how limitation periods for invoice claims work, and what steps you can take to recover your money. In diesem Artikel erklären wir, was Verjährung bedeutet, wie Verjährungsfristen für Rechnungsforderungen funktionieren und welche Schritte Sie unternehmen können, um Ihr Geld zurückzubekommen.